
Ohhhh Jillian

This weekend I told myself that TODAY was going to be the day I get back into healthy eating and doing consistent exercise.  And it was!  The healthy eating part hasn't been too much of a problem for me, but I have been slacking big time on the exercise piece.

I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred today.  I will complete the 30 days this time. No excuses.  I have started Jillian in the past, but I have never gotten past 10 days and to the second level of the DVD. 

I took some "before" pictures, but I am not comfortable posting those yet.  If I were to succeed with the DVD and transform from these pictures, then I might post them to show my transformation.  At this time, I am not that comfortable to post just the before pictures.

I also planned out my week of exercise.  I will be doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred (30 DS) for the next 3 days (4 days in total) and then give myself Friday off for rest.  I will then do 30 DS on Saturday and Sunday and possibly give myself Monday off for rest.  Then I hope to do 30 DS Tues-Friday next week.  That would equal 10 days total - 1/3 of the way through the challenge! I think planning out my exercise for the week/2 weeks will be helpful.  I will have to let you know! 

It felt good to do the DVD.  I must admit, it was a little hard.  But I know my endurance will building up this week from starting to exercise again.

Wish me luck! 


It is Time!

It is time. Time to rethink my goals. Time to look back at my bucket list. Time to sign onto this blog more often.  Time for more change.

I have already been slacking on my 20 in 2012 bucket list.  #12 - blog every or every other week.... that hasn't happened.  I decided to print out my list and hang it up on the wall to our apartment! Hopefully this will motivate and remind me of the things that are important to me and the things I want to do this year.  I will be okay if I don't reach all 20 - but at least 15 of them!

I have remained positive in my thinking.  That is one thing that I have stuck to.  However, I really need to re-think my goals and my passions.  I have been questioning my job and why I have it, questioning my motivations for weight loss and if I can do it, and questioning my happiness at some points.  But I'm ready to answer those questions. 

My job - I plan to take some personal time and re-think why I LOVE what I do and why it makes me happy.  I am going to set goals for the remainder of the school year and set goals for the summer.  I have a very positive outlook on my summer planning and that next year will run more smoothly.  I am excited to be passionate again and care about my students and my surroundings.

My weight loss - I have decided to sit down TONIGHT and come up with mini goals for different weight loss marks.  I hope this will help motivate me some more.  I have also decided that tonight I will set a workout plan that I will begin immediately (today!).  I hope that with these two things, I can feel more successful with weight loss. 

My happiness - those two things above are really dragging my happiness down.  It is hard enough to be in a long distance relationship and get upset over that, but to lose my passion for my work and to feel unmotivated in my weight loss plan - well, let's just say my happiness has gone down the drain recently.  I am hoping that staying on track with my two plans I have listed above will boost my happiness and make things more positive in life.

So like I said before - It is time.  Time to change. Time to get going. Time to set goals.  Time to just make life better. And I am ready for it. 


20 in 2012

I love lists. Something about making a list, crossing things out, and feeling like you accomplished something.  Just something about it.  I love lists even more when they include goals.  So I thought I should make one.  So here are 20 things I would like to accomplish in 2012. 

20 in 2012:

1.    Discover 1 new recipe per month
2.    Run a 5K (and maybe more!)
3.    Take dance classes (preferably modern/jazz or hip hop)
4.    Start baking more and trying new dessert recipes
5.    Learn to sew with a sewing machine
6.    Make friends outside of work (outside of my department & the university)
7.    BYOB Painting Night (looks fun!)
8.    Cut my hair short again (I set this as a mini-goal for weight loss)
9.    Paint/draw at least 5 times
10.Lose at least 20 lbs (would rather lose 35 though)
11.Winery tour and tasting in NC (hey, I live here now)
12.Blog once a week or every other week
13.Fix everything on my car that needs fixing (paint job, handle, windshield, etc.)
14.Winery tour and tasting in VA (heard about some places!)
15.Be smart with money (saving, spending, etc.)
16.Get a new tattoo (I’ve been wanting to for so long!)
17.Get involved in Durham LGBT community
18.Discover 5 new places to eat in Durham
19.Scrapbook (all of grad school and cruise, maybe even college)
20.Take more pictures

The Road to Weight Loss

I know I said losing weight wasn't my resolution, but I never said it wasn't one of my goals that fit into my plan for positivity. 

For a while I haven't been happy with the how much I weigh, the food I eat, and the way I look.  And thanks to someone very special in my life (my girlfriend Ashley) for motivation, I have been doing something about it!  Already I feel healthier.  And starting 2012, I have decided to keep it up and do even better!  I sat down and set some goals for the month of January.  These goals included an end weight and also included the # of days I would like to run in the month.  It was motivational to set those goals and to start a new month with the goals in mind. 

I had been on a great track in the fitness department before 2012 hit.  Being away for vacation time definitely put a wrench in that though.  I didn't run at all for two weeks or do much of anything related to fitness.  But I am not here to dwell on the negative, but to create the positive.  With my goals in mind, I know that I need to get outside and go running.  I want to reach that specific number I set for myself (the # of days I want to run this month).

I also was on a great track for weight loss before 2012 hit, but the holiday season also stopped that.  Since I have been back on track for 2012 though, I have lost some weight.  I am okay with slow.  I set my goal weight so that I lose 1 lb per week.  I am okay with losing weight slowly, as longs as I lose the weight.  it also ensures me that I am happy (and don't feel starved) and healthy while losing weight.  I like my plan and I cannot wait to see the results.

My goal for this weekend and this upcoming week: start working out & running again.  I haven't done much of that since 2012 began and I want to reach my goal.  So it needs to start now.  Another goal: continue to track all of my calories on My Fitness Pal (MFP).  This allows me to look back at my habits (good and bad) and repeat (or not!).  It also allows me to keep track of what were the reasons behind my weight loss (or lack there of).  It also holds me accountable!

And I have added a task for myself.  I want to make some sort of motivational board about fitness, health, and running.  That way I can have a reminder of the life I want to live continuously.  I think this will motivate me more and more.  And I shall continue with this project tonight after this blog!

Positivity for the win.



2012. A new year. Time for some changes.  Changes with work. Changes with habits. Changes with my attitude. And many more changes.  One thing in common with all of these changes to come - increase in positivity.  That is my New Year's resolution.  Not just choosing the normal "lose weight" or "go to the gym" this year.  Choosing to just create more positivity in my life.  That comes from many things: work-life balance, weight loss, fitness/healthy lifestyle, saving money, and making more time for myself, my friends, my family and my love.

3 days into 2012, I think I have done well.  I've changed my eating habits back on track after being at home for a week.  I've created a personal to-do list for this week that includes items related to my finances, my health and my hobbies.  I've created a work to-do list to feel better and more organized.

And now, using my old blog link to start new.  Looking back at the blog posts I had on this site, I decided to start fresh.  I deleted the old posts (most were nonsense) and this will hopefully be the first of many blog posts.  I want to write about my feelings, my success, and my set backs - no matter what they are related to.  But every blog post will end the same - with a positive solution or a positive thought for myself.  I do not expect everyone to comment on this and encourage me.  I've started this blog for my personal encouragement and my personal reflection.  Any encouragement and comments will be welcomed though!

2012.  I am ready to take you on and make you the best year so far. Bring it.